Grandma and Grandad, if they’re strong enough to drive, surely wouldn’t mind every so often dropping off and picking up their grandkids from school. But for those who don’t have family around to help, hosting a Demi Pair might work. Demi Pairs are allowed to help you out 20 hours per week – 15 hours is covered by food and board and you can give them some pocket money for the other 5 hours. How can they help you, you may ask? The little things they do to help a working mum like you are actually a huge time saver and your mental load can go down tremendously. They can help you with packing lunches, dropping and picking up kids from school, preparing snacks for kids, helping with homework, cooking dinner, getting the kids to bed, doing the grocery shopping, and doing some light household cleaning for you. On top of that, you’ll feel much better when you know you have someone trustworthy and experienced to watch over your kids when you’re not around or when you have to come home late from work. 

These tips we shared with you might seem a bit tricky but in reality, once you establish a routine it actually gets easier. You just have to find what works for you and your family so you can finally focus on the very first milestone your precious little one is about to take.

If you want to learn more about hosting Au Pairs or Demi-Pairs, feel free to send us your questions at or simply book a priceless (but free) chat with me, Irene here